
Mostrando las entradas de septiembre, 2018

My family tree

Hello, let me show you my family! Maytee`s daily routine: She wakes up at the 5:40 am, breakfasts someting, makes up, changes her clothes and drives to her job as a special education teacher in a preschool in Nogales, Sonora. She returns to home like at 1:00 pm to prepare food, rests a bit and does paperwork, sometimes she goes to stores in USA on weekends or drives to Obregon to visit the family. Rosa`s daily routine: She wakes up, changes her clothes, breakfasts something, goes to work, returns to home at 12:30 am, she lunches something, rests for 1 to 2 hours, makes documents from her work, goes to shop some food, returns to home, she dinners and sleeps to do one more time her daily routine. Conversation: Guy 1: Hi, what's your name? Guy 2: Hi, I'm Orlando. Guy 1: Hi Orlando... How do you spell Orlando? Guy 2: Of course, is O-r-l-a-n-d-o, what's your name? Guy 1: It's Carlos, and it's spell C-a-r-l-o-s, and I'm from Chihua...